Preparing Kids for Optician Appointments

During elementary school, my sister’s teacher scheduled a consultation with my parents. At this meeting, this caring educational professional talked with my parents about my sister’s potential eye problems. My teacher felt my sibling couldn’t see the board in the front of the classroom. My parents sat down with my sister and talked with her about seeing an eye doctor. Thankfully, my sister visited a trusting optician who knew how to successfully work with younger kids. After receiving her new pair of glasses, she began excelling in school. On this blog, I hope you will discover ways to prepare kids for successful appointments at an optician’s office. Enjoy!

How To Clean Your Glasses Properly


Getting an anti-scratch coating added to your glasses can help to prevent scratches from forming with daily use. However, that doesn't mean that your glasses are immune to scratches, especially if you regularly clean them improperly. Make sure you're doing the right thing for your glasses by reading this guide.

Type of Cloth to Use

The type of cloth you use to clean your glasses is just as important as how you do it. While tissues or toilet paper might seem soft to your hands, the paper fibers in these products could potentially cause damage to your glasses. In addition, using your shirt or another piece of fabric may not be ideal, as synthetic fibers can often smear oils around, making the situation worse.

Instead, stick to microfiber cleaning cloths intended for glasses. You can pick one up from your eye doctor's office or buy one at any pharmacy. They're soft, smooth, and won't scratch your lenses.

Cleaning Solution

When your glasses get dirty, chances are they're covered in a combination of dirt, dust, and skin oils. These oils get transferred to your lenses simply by wearing and handling your glasses. Breaking up these oils is necessary to give your glasses a clean finish, but using the wrong products can damage your lenses. Detergents found in hand soaps and dishwashing soaps, for example, can potentially break down the anti-scratch coating on your glasses, rendering it useless.

When it's time to clean your glasses, stick to glasses cleaning solution. These products are only made with safe detergents that can break down oil while leaving your glasses and its coatings intact. If you don't have any on-hand, water and a cleaning cloth should be enough to lift some of the oil off and make your dirty lenses manageable in the short-term.


With your microfiber cloth and cleaning solution at the ready, spray a little cleaning solution onto one side of your lenses. Move it around by tipping your glasses from side to side. Once the lens is fully covered in the solution, gently pull your microfiber cloth across the lens. You should use the lightest pressure to prevent damage to the lens. Repeat this process until your lenses are clean on one side. Flip your glasses over and start on the other side of the lenses afterward.

After wiping off your glasses, your lenses may still be a little damp. Let them air-dry for best results. You should wash your microfiber cloth out after every cleaning; avoid using fabric softener, as this can leave behind a residue on the cloth that will make it harder to clean your glasses.

Following these steps will help to ensure the longevity of your glasses. If you have more questions about the care of your eyeglasses, talk to your eye doctor to find out what to do.


29 April 2018